
Ashley's Music Tech Page

This is my first song.  Mr. Zicarelli said it sounds like you're standing between two different bands in a parade and are listening to both of them at the same time, and for some reason they fit together. I don't know. It's got some funky guitars with more upbeat drum and bass, I guess. Yep.







You are the music while the music lasts.

~ T. S. Eliot ~



"I function as a channel from which music emerges from the chaos of noise"

- I don't remember

(If you know who said this please e-mail me,



 More Music.....

  This song I would probably describe as tribal. I don't know. I think it just makes you want to get up and rain dance or something.

 This song is just some more jungle music, kind of the same idea as the last one but with some rain and tree frogs and a flute and stuff. Yeah.

 Do you like sax? Do you love sax? Do you wake up sometimes in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep until you've had sax? Do your friends sometimes tell you they think you might be a saxaholic? Well this song has got a whole lotta sax.... I didn't really know what I was doing.

 This was my "improvisational" piece I did on mixman using random loops. Yeah, that's about all I have to say about it.

 When I first started this song I named it "Pud" because I really didn't like it.... but I slowed it down, changed it around, and added a bit more to it so now it's not as bad.... so here we go, Pud, in C. 

 I don't know what it is, but I think I like it.


  Other Stuff.....

  Umm....yeah. Well, the deal with my commercial is pretty much that I just liked the song and decided to base it around that, which is how I ended up selling sod.... so here it is, for all your home-gardening needs.... or whatnot. (It starts about 7 seconds late, so don't let it fool you)

  And this one, well, I'm not quite sure. Powerpuff Girls. Yup. The music is the random loops from mixman.... again.




Modern music is as dangerous as narcotics.

~ Pietro Mascagni ~


This is the second song I worked on, I think it would be a good background  song for a video game or something.  Maybe an underwater level.

For this song I "borrowed" a little bit from the intro of a Sublime song, which I later found out Sublime must have borrowed from some porno from the 70's.  Just to make it clear I wasn't intending to borrow anything from 70's porno to make this song.






There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another.

~ Frank Zappa ~