The Wide World of Brad's Music

Songs Music Vids
This is my first song that I  created. It is basically a trance song, but not really. oh well. I would not call it  that good and you will probably agree with me.

My Second Song could be categorized as a song that came from a science fiction movie or something like that.

This Song is made up of a bunch of noises. The Back ground classical music is the beginning of The Verve, Bitter Sweet Symphony. I believe this is one of my better Songs that I put together.

This song was thrown together one study hall when I had nothing better to do than to make music. I was told by a friend that "its a weird song and I like that Australian  instrument" check it out.

Here is a song that I created using a program called Mixman. personally I think this is my best song that I have done. The song is peace. everything goes well it I guess.

This is my first music video that I created. The clip are from an anime call Dragonball Z and GT. The Music is Darude a European Dj. I was surprised on oh well the music and the clips went with each other.            


Here is my Second Music video. Same type of song but with a faster beat. Its by Paul Oakanfold and name is Alya. The Anime is Gundam Wing.

Here is my third music video. Again it uses the anime Gundam Wing. the Song is a short version off Carl Orff's Carmena Burana. The music and the video go really well together.

This is my last music video. There are two songs in it. the first one is Hyrogliphics- You Never Knew, Followed by Mos Def, Featuring Pharoache Monch and Nate Dogg -Oh No. The video is bunch of Pro snowboarder from a bunch of clips that I have found. oh yea this is big file.


During my career here at Gould I have noticed that the Internet capability for the students has decreased. When I came here my freshmen year, there was full twenty-four hour Internet access. The next year the school restricted the Internet down to 17 per day. This may seem like a lot, but in reality it made things a lot worse. Now in my junior year the school has taken away our right to download music and videos by shutting off ports to severs like Morpheus and Napster. To me this seems like an invasion of students’ privacy.

During my freshmen year at Gould, students used a program called Hotline. Hotline is a program that host servers. Servers are computers that share files with the rest of the world. Some of the files include movies, mp3, games, sound and video editor and viewers (real player plus, quick time).  The students was downloaded files before they went to sleep. This method was fast and did little harm to our network. Also by downloading at night it took a load off the bandwidth during the day.

When I came back to Gould my sophomore year and I was told that the school had decided to restrict the Internet to 5:00 am to 11:00 pm, I was angry, I put up a weak fight at the beginning of the year and then gave up. The school restricted hours because they saw a majority of students had activity on their computers after “lights out”. The school assumed that students were up playing games or surfing the web on their computers when in reality all they had done was left their computer on during the night because either they were too lazy to turn it off or they were downloading movies, programs and or mp3 files to use later the next day.  I see nothing wrong with that. By the new Internet restrictions, students forced to downloading during the day. This slowed the Internet down for everybody on campus by using more bandwidth. Also during this year some students found out how to restore their twenty-four hour Internet access. These students were punished by having their Internet access being taken away for the rest of the year.

Finally, all students must sign an “acceptable use form” saying that we the students will follow curtain rules when using computers at Gould. Last year this form-contained restrictions, prohibiting the downloading of music and videos. A student by the name of James Baxendale wrote, a paper on this topic. (click here to read his paper) This year those restrictions were removed from the form. Now half way through the fall trimester, the school has shut off the ports to the servers use to download media files from. These severs include Morpheus, Lime Wire, Bear Share, Audio Galaxy, Zaraa and many others. To puts this in simple terms, its basically like being told you can drive your car whenever you want, but they cut the wires to the spark plugs, so that in reality you can not drive at all.

It is not fair to tell us we do something, while taking away the means tot do it. There are simple ways to fix the problems at hand. For Instance the bandwidth problem all the school really needs to do is increase it by getting a faster connection, and restoring twenty-four Internet access. This will increase the bandwidth when it is needed.  Like an Indian giver, the School has taken back what they said we could do with the Internet, and I am not going to sit back watch the world go by. Yes I grant you that the majority of computers at this school have mp3s on them, and by having a fast line to the outside world, people from the outside are going to take advantage of the fast line. But that does not mean the school should take our privileges away.