McCawleys Music Mixes

This is the first song that I composed in class. It has somewhat of a creepy start sounds like it is from the x-files or something....

my first song

This is one of my favorite skiers....Candide Thovex

Mute grab uns

This is the second song I composed I did it that first night after class just goofing around with some sounds it sounds  kind of like a teeny bopper pop song....

my second song

After using Acid Pro for my first three songs I turned to Mixman Studio for my next two songs one is a Reggae song and the other is a Techno song.

my fourth song

my fifth song 

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This was the third song I composed. So far it is my favorite. I used a hip-hop beat-boxing background to make it successful....

my third song

This is a picture of another one of my favorite skiers...his name is none other then Rory Will. check out some other sweet pictures of him when he's not hurt...

Backflip Ironcross uns

For my next project I had to create a radio commercial for some sort of product or show. My friend Erika and I decided to do one on condoms

The second one we did we decided to pick on some students in our school. So we used direct quotes from fellow students, but changed their names, and made a commercial for our own school 

soap opera.   


JP Auclair rips it up in the new 2001 ski movies 

In class we have started to make movies and music videos I have completed two music videos now 

My first music video is to the song


My second music video is to the song


by Moby


This is my final is an alternate view of the September 11th attacks, kind of disturbing. For the most part is just Bashing Bush